Hey guys, you are listening to English Made SImple, this is episode 15, Numero quince.

Hola everyone, como estan? How is everyone doing? My name is Milena. Thank you for joining me. Welcome to English Made Simple, where we are going to learn English and speak better than Donald Trump. Yes! Anybody can speak better than Donald Trump, right? Haha

Hey this is episode 15 I can’t believe it! it’s episode 15 Oh my Gosh! Awesome! (Genial!)

Hey, before I continue with this episode I just want to mention when I say guys, I mean girls too! This is slang, when I say hey guys, it means hey guys and girls! Slang, like  Hola chicos!

Ok…. And! One more thing, before we start this show…if you are doing IELTS or TOEFL exams, if you are preparing for those, send me a message, if you are interested, I will review your practice essays, I can review your speaking parts as well, so just send me a message, I am here to help you…that’s the aim of this show, is to help you guys learn english, pass exams, ask me any question you want, alright? Let’s start with this show guys.

I’m going to talk about collocations what in the world is a collocation? What is a collocation? And I mentioned this in my last episode I mention this word collocation…whoa! It’s a big word!

So, I asked my weon inteligente, which means, I refer to Cambridge Online Dictionary as weon inteligente, ok…According to my weon inteligente, collocation is the combination of words formed, when two or more words are often used together in a way that sounds correct. Ok. That’s their definition. I actually like my defintion. I think my definition is better. Collocations are words that are generally used together to make you sound more natural in English. This is the way native speakers, uhmm speak. They use collocations, they use phrasal verbs, they use it every day. So, by end of this episode I want you to learn at least 1 collocation. This is the objective, this is the goal, the aim of this episode. El objetivo. Is to learn 1 collocation, ok? I am going to give you a few examples, and you try and use it  in your…when you practice english you try to use collocations. Guys, this is also useful for IELTS and TOEFL, english exams. Remember collocation and phrasal verbs. Phrasal verbs are basically, verbs followed by preposition. Like, in my previous episodes I said, I gave you an example to wake up to get up, right? Collocations and phrasal verbs are something that native speakers use a lot so if you go on the Internet go to Google and type in collocation and type in, write, phrasal verbs and see what comes up. Comes up is a phrasal verb it means what is showing, to show, to appear Go and search and see what comes up. What results come up.  First of all, let’s talk about collocations, let’s see what is a collocation. I am going to give you an example of collocation, I mentioned in my previous episode, one of the previous episodes, you know, I said, to keep a secret. To keep a secret, guardar un secreto.

Ok so when you talk to your friend you have something to tell your friend in secret, you say hey Maria can you keep a secret? I just want to tell you blah blah blah blah blah ok.

Also another example make a mistake, to make a mistake cometer un error, or equivocarse.

Make a mistake, NOT do a mistake. These words, they just sound natural. When you say make a mistake in English it sounds more natural than saying do a mistake. Make a mistake.

Make a difference. Another example. By using collocations and phrasal verbs it’s going to make a big difference to your English exams, like IELTS and TOEFL for example. Use collocations and phrasal verbs, very very important. Muy importante.

When you go and do you English exams, Do your Best! When you go and talk to your friends who are native speakers, do your best when you speak English. Da Lo mejor de ti. Ok. Do your best.
I gave you homework in one of the episodes, remember? I gave you homework. How to be fluent in English. One, uhm.. One homework I gave you was write something about yourself. Tell me about yourself, prepare to be ready to talk about yourself, when you go for job interviews. So I told you, do your homework. This is a collocation. Haz tu tarea. We don’t same Make homework. We don’t say make homework. We say Do your homework, do homework. Do the housework. Housework I think it’s mostly in English, that’s when you organise everything around the house, you clean. Hacer aseo/ limpiar la casa. I hate doing the housework. Me carga hacer el aseo y ordenar la casa. Me carga haha It’s something you have to do, Right!

Ok guys. So, another example of a collocation is…Keep calm. Calmate. Relajate. Quedarse tranquilo. Keep calm. That’s how it is pronounced. We don’t pronounce the L. The L is silent, the letter L. Keep calm. Calmate. This is a collocation. One more example. Keep a promise. Mantener una promesa. Keep a promise. Ok. Keep. To keep. Mantener una promesa. Guys please, if you find this valuable, if you think your friends will benefit from this episode, please share with your friends, help a friend out! :) One more example of a collocation. Keep in touch. One more example.  Mantente en contacto, estamos al habla, hablamos, keep in touch. Or Stay in touch. And when you are practising English, when you have your exams. I just want to wish you good luck, buena suerte. Good luck! Break a leg. Rompete una pierna. haha This is English slang.Break a leg. Rompete un apierna. that means good luck. Ok. Let’s just recap today’s collocations. Break a leg. Keep calm. Keep a secrete, Keep a promise. I hate doing the housework. Do your best, Do your homework. Don’t make a mistake, make a mistake. Make a difference, ok… Pay attention everyone. Pongan atención todos. Pay attention everyone. This is a collocation, this is another collocation hehe pay attention everyone. I gave you a few examples of collocations. I am going to share more examples in my Facebook group English Made Simple. There is also a link on my website. www.www.englishmadesimple.net

Join the facebook group and you will learn more examples of collocations. Guys, you are welcome to share this episode with your friends, stay in touch, keep in touch, estamos al habla.  hablamos. Keep in touch. Hasta la proxima. Ciao!

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