Phrasal verb: Give Up
Today’s episode is short and sweet! Keep learning English and don’t give up! I also talk about weon inteligente and how I started English Made Simple. Enjoy :)
You are listening to English Made Simple. This is episode 27. Numero 27.
Hola, como estan? Como va todo? Espero que este todo bien y que tu aprendizaje del ingles sigua mejorando.
Ah you like that? You like my Spanish haha my accent is probably ridiculous but I don’t care! As long as you can understand me!!
Hey guys, you are listening to English Made Simple, where I try to explain the English language in a very simple way, which will be mostly in English. Where I teach you how to speak English confidently with native speakers, regardless what country you happen to be in right now!
So, this episode is about: Not giving up, No te rindas! Whatever your reason may be for wanting to learn English, just remember don’t give up and just keep going. Today we are going to learn the phrasal verb to give up and what it means. You will also learn something interesting about English Made Simple and how I started why I refer to Cambridge Online Dictionaries as Weon inteligente haha You know what, I really thought weon is something like a friendly term, like buddy or amigo because in Chile people use this a lot and I just picked it up, so I just got used to it, but the meaning could be worse than I thought!! haha anyway, I don’t care haha it’s a bit ironic and sarcastic. That’s why I like it and I will keep using it.
Also this will be kind of a motivational episode for English learners! I want to remind you to keep going and not to give up and to remind you of the acronym KISS, ok? I am going to mentioned at the end of the show!
So make yourselves comfortable and let’s begin, shall we?
What does give up mean?
It’s an important phrasal verb give up = it’s two words. First word GIVE which literally means dar and second word UP, which means arriba in Spanish. When you put these 2 words together in English you get GIVE UP, translated as RENDIRSE. So it has one meaning, give up has one meaning, really, and it means to quit something. According to weon inteligente haha to give up means to stop doing something because it is too hard. An example from weon inteligente or Cambridge Dictionaries Online, whichever you prefer, I give up – I’m never going to learn this language! Aaaargh, I give up!
Right? Makes sense so far? That’s it, that’s what it means.
You know, you get frustrated and you say, I give up!! I can’t do this anymore!
Other examples of give up – you can use give up when you want to quit a bad habbit, for example smoking or eating junk food are considered bad habbits. (eg McDonalds)
So for example:
John gave up smoking two years ago. Remember, give is an irregular word so if we use it in the past it becomes gave up, the phrase becomes gave up. Ok.
So the example was, John gave up smoking 2 years ago.
That’s in the past. So John stopped smoking 2 years ago.
I am trying to lose weight so I’ve given up eating cakes, tortas! Haha that’s hard for me to do for sure, so I haven’t completely given up yet.
So, let’s continue with this episode:
Also guys, just to remind you, don’t be embarrassed about your accents when you speak in English. You shouldn’t be embarrassed about your accents. I covered this briefly in episode 002 (Note: it should be Episode NUMBER 1) . If you are curious go back to episode 2 (Note: it should be Episode NUMBER 1) listen to what I have to say about accents.
You know, the other day, I was in a café, here in Melbourne, I went there with my friend who is from Serbia, so we spoke in Serbian, then I ordered my coffee in English and I chatted to another waiter in Spanish, a waiter from Colombia. So, in 15mins I spoke in 3 different languages!! Haha you see I was switching from English to Spanish then to Serbian. It was mentally challenging but now I am so used to this. It just comes so naturally. The next language I would like to learn is Portuguese or maybe Italian…portuguese sounds really cool. Anyway let’s continue. I get distracted very easily. So that’s my next challenge, my next language I would like to learn.
Ok so let’s continue. I get distracted very easily. I have too many ideas in my head!
Before I start explaining how I started English Made Simple I just want to share something really amazing with you all!! It’s really cool. It’s about English Made Simple Podcast.
This week we have reached OVER 10,000 downloads! Wow that’s not even 4 months of podcasting. Whoa, amazing! It’s a great achievement. It is still growing! You are all part of this success. So the TOP 5 countries that listened to the show last month were: Chile, the United States, Brazil, Japan and Mexico! Amazing stuff! Woohooo, really cool! It’s over 10, 000 downloads so that’s really amazing!
Just want to let you know, I made this podcast for you all because I really, really want to help you learn English in a simple way, I want to uncomplicate English.
So, thank you all who have listened to me from the very beginning and for your kind words which keep me going.
Do you want to know how long it takes to record a podcast episode?
My first episode I recorded back in January this year but I published it in March – because I was nervous, a bit scared to share my message with the world. I am not shy in general, no soy timida, but it was really scary at first to record yourself and to put yourself out there. And now I am glad I did it! I am making a difference.
Thanks to my wonderful husband and my family, in Australia and in Chile! :)
So just do give you an idea how long it takes me to do an episode…
It normally takes me 3 hours to prepare 1 episode, then record it and edit it (I am still learning this part, it’s not always perfect, I am not a professional yet!!) then it takes me one more hour to do transcriptions. That’s about 5 hours in total at the moment. It’s not a simple thing to do. But I don’t mind, I really enjoy this.
What to expect in the next few episodes? What to expect in the coming episodes of English Made Simple?
Thanks to the feedback I received from my dear listeners…
In the coming weeks, we will be learning about how to ask questions in English, how to answer your phone, how to speak English over the phone and even how to spell your name, how to give advice to someone (what words do we use when we give advice), we are going to understand the future tense (differences between shall, will and going to) and how to tell a story using the past tense, we are also going to learn about pronunciation of the regular verbs and learning the most common irregular verbs for everyday use so that it will be easier for you to remember… and we will also learn how to use present tense correctly for example, when we talk about our hobbies or about work, and more! I also want to interview Chewbacca from Star Wars, but it is really hard to get hold him, it is hard to get him on the show. Hahah So maybe that can wait a little bit.
Once I find my groove, my rhythm, which will be very soon, my plan is to publish 2 episodes per week. For example, on Wednesdays, we could have….I can answer your questions or talk about some interesting facts which will help you with your English learning. So that’s my plan for now.
And of course, I want to thank to everyone who supported me in starting English Made Simple, a special thanks to my students in Chile, Hola Nicole, Daniela, Bernardita, Tamara and Oscar! I miss you guys! Had a great time being your teacher I hope you learnt something from me, hope you learnt something more than drawing on the board…haha? Haha I am terrible at drawing. My drawings are beyond ridiculous. Picasso wouldn’t be impressed! And that’s why I am not teaching Art. So Hola to you guys, and hope to see you soon!!
Thanks to another special listener called Horacio from Bolivia for reminding me about the popular weon inteligente haha Hola Horacio, como estas? gracias por tus comentarios.
Actually, if you really want to know, the term Weon inteligente started thanks to my love for Chilean wine, my life in Santiago and because I was frustrated with using Cambridge Dictionaries Online and I was frustrated with the fact that some definitions are not explained in simple and plain English…but instead explained in a language that is only used by professors at the Cambridge University. Oh jolly good! By the way, jolly good means, very good and it is a very British thing to say. If you have seen the movie Austin Powers, you will know what I mean. So I use weon inteligente in a sarcastic and ironic way, hope you understand my humour in this!
We are now approaching the end of the show….thank you for listening to my gibberish so far
Next week we have the Olympic games in Rio! Wow, awesome! Hola to my listeners in Brazil!! That’s one of many countries I would like to visit sometime one day soon.
If anyone is travelling to Brazil for the Olympics have fun and be safe, enjoy yourself. I will probably be sleeping here in Australia, because the live coverage will be between 2-6am in the morning. I am not getting up that early to watch it live, no way Jose! This is an English joke, by the way, No way Jose!
I will be following the Olympics online and in the newspapers.
Before I finish this episode, here is a piece of advice, I did mention this before in episode 25 to help you keep motivated, when learning English don’t forget to KISS. Kiss is an acronym (we learnt this in episode 25) but the word kiss also means besar, to kiss. However, KISS as an acronym means Keep It Simple Stupid. So, don’t forget to KISS when you are learning English.
So this episode is short and sweet, just like me! Short and sweet.
And that’s it for now. I hope you learnt something in this episode, I wanted to teach you about phrasal verb Give Up but we used it in a negative form, Don’t Give Up. Alright. We also learnt something interesting about English Made Simple and you also learnt about my plans for English Made Simple.
Y esto es todo por el momento. Un saludo y mucha suerte. Y hasta la proxima.
And remember transcriptions are available on my website,
Hi Milena, this is Marcela from Chile! I’d like to thank you for all your podcast, all of them have been so useful and you are such a wonderful teacher, the way you speak and explain makes you easy to understand.
Thank you for your kind words, Marcela :) I am trying my best to explain everything in simple English! But also want to make it fun and engaging!