Limiting Beliefs for Immigrants and English Learners
Today’s episode is a summary of what to expect next week. Today you will learn new vocabulary. You will learn what an Au Pair is, you will learn about Toastmasters and you will learn about limiting beliefs. Enjoy today’s show! Until next time, hasta la proxima!
Episodes mentioned
[152 SPECIAL] Interview With My Evil Twin Sister
[100] It’s Time To Have Fun With EMS – Enjoy!
[085] How To Pronounce Plurals of Nouns Ending in -ff, -f and -fe
Nathi Eustaqui – empowering immigrant women.
Hey guys, you are listening to the English Made Simple show, this is episode number 1-6-1, number one hundred and sixty one, numero ciento sesenta y uno.
Welcome to episode number 1-6-1, this is Milena speaking – your host of the English Made Simple Podcast. It’s true. It is really me ok?
I came down with a cold over the weekend and guess what – lost my voice. In fact, I couldn’t even speak on Sunday.
Today is a little bit better, I could record this episode, I know I sound a bit scary, I hope you don’t end up having nightmares after today.
So let me just quickly explain what it means to come down with something.
In my introduction, I said: I came down with a cold.
Basically, what this means is: I got a cold. I hope it’s a cold and not a flu.
We are in the middle of summer here in Australia and I managed to get a cold. That’s my luck!
In Spanish: I have a cold would be: Estoy resfriada.
For my non-Spanish speakers, a cold is when you get sick. This usually happens in winter, when it is really cold outside and you don’t look after yourself – you end up sick. To best describe the symptoms of cold is like this: you get a runny nose, you get a sore throat – painful throat – watery eyes and headaches, you’d get headaches often. Oh and you also get achy muscles, they become tender and sensitive…
The word ache is another to mean PAIN.
I have been taking medicine to make myself feel better and to get over this cold, but it didn’t go away before today’s episode unfortunately.
So yeah, the good news is that you won’t listen to my husky voice for too long.
I got a cup of tea next to me so I we are good to go with today’s show.
So guys, today’s episode is going to teach you some new vocabulary related to the recent interview I had with Nathi Eustaquio.
I wanted to prepare you for some words before I release the complete interview.
It is almost an hour long. I don’t want you to get confused or lost. So I hope today’s episode is going to prepare you well for the next episode.
Next week, you will hear my chat with Nathi who is a transition coach.
Who is Nathi Eustaquio?
Nathi is originally from Brazil but lives in the United States. She initially moved to Seattle, then relocated to Hawaii not long ago. She has been living in the US for 4 or 5 years.
Nathi worked a psychologist back in Brazil, then worked as a therapist in Seattle and now works as a transition coach helping immigrant women adapt to their new life overseas.
I would like to give you a quick background of how I met Nathi.
Surprise, surprise – we met online!
Nathi is a listener of the English Made Simple show. She found my podcast in one of the Facebook groups that she is a member of. And someone shared my podcast! So thank you so much to the person who shared it. I really appreciate it.
So Nathi had sent me an email introducing herself. She wanted to see how she could help the listeners of the EMS show.
So, naturally I was intrigued to hear Nathi’s story.
I haven’t had that many guests on the show in the past, except my sister recently haha the Halloween special – for the new listeners tuning in you can check out Episode 152 to hear the interview with my Evil Twin sister. Haha – so yeah, I didn’t have any guests on the show. Oh hang on, Weon Inteligente made an appearance in Episode 100 haha that was a funny episode, also check that out too, while you are browsing through the archives.
So this was the first time I had a chat with someone who is not related to me.
I really wanted to share Nathi’s story as I think many of you would relate to her story.
This is for you, if you are already living in an English-speaking country, like the US, NZ, Australia and so on. And for you, if you are thinking of moving overseas. And for some of you who just want to spend a short time overseas to learn English and to travel.
This episode is for you.
As you can see, I simply had to bring Nathi to the show and have her share her story of migrating to the US.
And I hope this story gives you hope wherever you happen to be right now.
To sum it up, this is what you will learn next week:
You will learn about the Au Pair program
Nathi will share English tips
How to deal with pronunciation
How to learn English, how to talk with native speakers
How to apply for jobs in the US
And we mention Limiting Beliefs. I will explain what Limiting beliefs are in this episode.
I wanted to take this opportunity to introduce you to the new terms which will also give you some context of what the interview is about.
In today’s episode I will only mention the terms that you may not have heard of before. I believe you will be OK to follow our chat next week.
Ok so, the first word I would like to share is Au pair. This is a French word and essentially, it is a live-in Nanny. Nanny is a person who looks after kids like a babysitter.
If you are thinking of migrating overseas, let’s say you wanted to come to Australia. Some of the ways you could consider coming here would be to come on a Working Holiday visa, to come as an international student or come here permanently on a skilled visa. There are other visas out there. I am not an agent, it’s best to get an advice from an immigration agent.
But if you are under the age of 26, if you are between 18 and 26 you could come to Australia by working as an Au Pair.
The Au Pair program allows you to learn a new language and discover a new culture, by living with the Au pair family and caring for their kids. In exchange you get some pocket money, you get free accommodation and meals provided at home.
If you would like to learn more about the Au Pair program, simply do a quick search online…. There could be a local agency in your country that specialises in providing Au Pair services.
Another term I wanted to share with you today is:
Toastmasters – Toastmaster is an international organisation. It was created to prepare you for public speaking. A lot of people have fear of public speaking. By attending toastmasters’ meetings you would be able to overcome that fear.
Attending toastmasters is also good for English learners. Because you are put on the spot and you have to speak, either talk about yourself or what you do for work. But you have to speak for a certain period of time.
I haven’t been to one of these yet, but I’ve seen them in my local library. They organise events there.
Also, we talk about LinkedIn.
In the interview with Nathi we also talk about CV’s and applying for jobs in the US. One of the important thing that Nathi mentioned was the LinkedIn. LinkedIn platform is widely used here in Australia and as it appears in the US as well. This is how the recruiters find you, so they can invite you for job interviews. If you don’t have a LinkedIn profile yet. You should create it.
Right, the next terms is:
Limiting beliefs – what are limiting beliefs?
By the way guys, belief is a word that ends in letter ‘F’ but doesn’t change when used in the plural form. You simply add the‘s’ so it becomes – beliefs.
If you want to learn more about how to pronounce nouns ending in F, please check out episode 085.
Belief is a noun and it means to accept that something exists, or that we think is true. A belief could be a point of view or the way of thinking. You create your own belief through repeated thoughts and then you start believing those thoughts to be true.
In Spanish the word belief is = Creencia.
Like for example: once you are an adult, you start to believe that the life is about responsibilities and you are not allowed to have fun.
This is an example of a belief.
Nathi and I talked about Limiting beliefs.
Limiting beliefs are things we say to ourselves that become ingrained in our mind and then we start believing whatever we are saying to be true.
A limiting belief may prevent you from becoming successful at work. It could stop you from achieving high results. Like for example, you constantly tell yourself that you are not good enough to do something, or to be someone.
When I started out podcasting, it took me a while to actually start because I was being held back by my limiting beliefs. I had voices in my head telling me: hey who are you to do a podcast? You think you are Barbara Walters from ABC news? I kept thinking I wasn’t good enough to have my own show.
That’s an example of a limiting belief and we will always have them. They don’t go away! They appear from time to time, whenever we try to get out of our comfort zone the limiting beliefs start to show.
So one way to overcome a limiting belief is to just ignore it. Keep doing what you are doing and keep taking action and just do what you’ve set out to do. Ignore those voices in your head.
A lot of English learners have limiting beliefs as they are not confident with their English. They start feeling embarrassed when speaking with Native speakers they are too self-conscious of their English.
There is nothing wrong with this. All you have to do is speak, and not be afraid to make mistakes. Make a mistake but then laugh about it.
Eventually you will learn from your mistakes and you will become a confident English speaker.
There are more things you will learn next week, so don’t miss next week’s episode.
I hope it helps you. And I hope it inspires you.
So that’s my brief overview of the chat with Nathi from Brazil. I think it’s best you hear the rest from Nathi next week, she can explain it better than me. That’s next week.
If there are any terms or phrases you don’t understand just send me a message, and I will happily explain them.
Thank you for tuning today. It’s been a pleasure as always.
I have to rest my vocal chords, I can’t believe I lost my voice! Thanks for joining me today anyway.
You’ve been jamming with Milena from – until next time, hasta la proxima!
Milena Vujnic
Podcast Host at English Made Simple Podcast
Milena is the host of the English Made Simple Podcast and is passionate about helping English learners break their fear of speaking English so they can confidently make conversation and be understood by other English-speakers.
Milena lives in Australia with her Chileno husband and loves anything podcasting and online coaching and is honoured to be supporting and guiding immigrants from all over the world with her products, programs and coaching services.
Click here to learn more about how you can work with Milena.