Where Would You Work, Study or Live?

How expensive is to live in Australia, NZ or Canada? Today, I talk about taxes, the wildlife and the language! Oh, and I also try to imitate the accents (which I am really bad at!) Maybe, work in Australia. Anyway, enjoy :)

Links mentioned (Live and Work in Australia)

This episode has been brought to you by the FREE Guide To Life In Australia

What Country is Best To Live And Work: Australia, New Zealand or Canada?

[188 GUEST] How You Can Come to Australia to Study (Chat with Soraya from Tour Studies)

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Transcript – Work in Australia

Hey guys, you are listening to the English Made Simple show, this is episode number 1-8-9, number one hundred and eighty-nine.

Welcome amigos, my name is Milena from Englishmadesimple.net, www.englishmadesimple.net and how are you? How’s it?

Glad to hear you are doing well.

So have you thought about moving to an English-speaking country before? Either permanently or temporarily? To work, live or to study?

If you had been practicing English at home by yourself, I am sure the thought of going somewhere and speaking with native speakers has crossed your mind.

And what you could also consider is to study overseas which gives you a taste of what it is like to live there. It could be your first overseas experience.

Last week, I interviewed Soraya from Tour Studies, she helps you get a student visa for Australia and you could come here to study English for 6 months then return home. It’s just an option to consider if you want to take your English learning to the next level.

You can check out that episode with Soraya at www.englishmadesimple.net/188 – episode 188. If you get in touch with Soraya and mention you heard about Tour Studies on the English Made Simple podcast, you will get a free consultation. I forgot to mention that she is bilingual – she is fluent in Spanish and English.

Ok so, today’s episode will give you more options. You could also consider coming to Canada or New Zealand to do the same… to study… Or to work.

As you know, I lived in New Zealand for 12 years and now I live in Australia. But I had never been to Canada. I do have friends from Calgary, Ottawa and Vancouver though.

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Milena Vujnic

Milena Vujnic

Podcast Host at English Made Simple Podcast


Milena is the host of the English Made Simple Podcast and is passionate about helping English learners break their fear of speaking English so they can confidently make conversation and be understood by other English-speakers.

Milena lives in Australia with her Chileno husband and loves anything podcasting and online coaching and is honoured to be supporting and guiding immigrants from all over the world with her products, programs and coaching services.

Click here to learn more about how you can work with Milena.


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