How to Start a Conversation?



Hola amigos, today’s episode is about me trying to start a conversation in French. Have a listen and maybe you’ll relate to my experience! We also have the Repeat After Me segment. Stay tuned! Enjoy :)

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[221] How To Simplify A Conversation – Audio Book


Transcript Snapshot (Conversations in English and French)


Hey guys, you are listening to English Made Simple, this is episode number 2-3-1, number two-hundred and thirty-one, numero doscientos treinta y uno

Welcome back everybody, thanks for tuning in to today’s show, this is episode number 230. And my name is Milena and I am the host of the English Made Simple show, you can find me at, englishmadesimple (punto) net.

Hey guys, today’s episode is brought to you by my free Audio Book “How To Simplify A Conversation” – when you download this Audio Book you’ll also get access to my 3-Day Email Course. The 3-Day Email course is practical and actionable. It’s so easy even my grandma can do it. And it doesn’t take too much of your time. It might require you to do a quick search online, but that’s about it.

After you complete the mini email course you’ll get a chance to join my new Speaking Challenge called: TheConvoStarter.

And this challenge is also simple and practical. You’ll go out into the real world and talk to real people in English.

You’ll be using the phrases that I use when I go out and chat with people. It’s amazing how much you can learn from others when you start chatting with them. Especially, when you are new in the city.

People love to make small chit-chat in Australia and New Zealand. It’s common to hear people say: hey, how’s it going? Even if they had never met you before.

The whole idea of this challenge is to get you to speak with others in English.

The more opportunities you have to speak in English, the more fluent you’ll become.


I’ve got two things to share with you. And towards the end we’ll have today’s Repeat After Me phrase.

The first order of business is… for the Game of Thrones fan, what did you think of the last episode, the series finale? I’m still reeling from it.

I couldn’t wait for this final season to finish. We waited two years for this gibberish. It turned out to be telenovela. Telenovela is Spanish for “soap operah” – think romantic tv series. Love-dovey crap.

The last season of GoT didn’t seem like it was a typical GoT season. You know what I mean: the blood, the gore, the violence. That’s what made GoT great.

So glad that’s over.

And for those of you 1% of the world’s population who had never seen one single episode of GoT, you’ll be glad that you won’t be hearing about GoT again.

Ok let’s move onto the next order of business.

What’s new in today’s episode.

It’s me trying to speak in French.

I went to my local French cafe, I used to go there regularly last year, but now since we moved to another suburb in Adelaide, I don’t tend to go there often.

Anyhow, so as you know I live in Australia not France. We speak English in Australia not French.

And this French cafe is run by French speaking people who make authentic French pencakes, pattisserie and smooth French coffee.

I went to the cafe thinking I’m going to say something in French. I’ll greet the waiter in French.

I just wanted to say an informal Hello in French. But instead I had a brain-freeze and said: Hola.

That’s great Milena. That’s a wrong country. They don’t say Hola in France. That’s Spanish… you dumbo.

Then I said oops sorry, I meant to say ‘Allo’.

Again, that’s not a proper French greeting.

You use ‘Allo’ when you’re answering a telephone in French.

So again, that’s wrong!

I just kept embarrassing myself. I had to remind myself to start watching French movies more…. They do have them on Netflix. It’ll at least help me memorize simple phrases in French.

Now back to my story.


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Milena Vujnic

Milena Vujnic

Podcast Host

Milena is the host of the English Made Simple Podcast and is passionate about helping motivated English learners break their fear of speaking English so they can confidently make conversation and be understood by other English-speakers.

Milena lives in Australia with her Chileno husband and loves anything podcasting and online coaching and is honoured to be supporting and guiding immigrants from all over the world with her products, programs and coaching services.

Click here to learn more about how you can work with Milena.


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