Melbourne vs Sydney



What do Australians think of Sydney and Melbourne? Out of these 2 which city is the best? In today’s episode I answer a question from one of our listeners. Enjoy :)


You’re listening to English Made Simple. This is episode forty three, numero cuarente y tres (43)

Hello! Hello!! What’s up?

Welcome to episode number forty three of English made simple. My name is Milena, thank you for joining me. I call this one a short and sweet episode. It’s released mid-week and it is supposed to be five minutes or less but sometimes it goes over five minutes. Here I share something that will be of value to you and if you have any questions, any burning questions that you really want to ask me please send me your questions via E-mail or ask them in my Facebook group English Made Simple and I will answer them here in short and sweet
Excellent!!! And today, I hope to answer Carlos’s question…

What is Melbourne city like?

Can we hear something about Melbourne? Yes, Yes, Excellent question Carlos thank you. To answer this question I would like to compare Melbourne to Sydney. There’s always some sort of friendly rivalry between these two Australian cities Sydney-siders and Melbournians like to make fun of each other. Ok? You know what I mean like comparing the standard of living, public transport nightlife and stuff like that. To help me prepare for this episode I went around and I asked a few of my friends…

I asked them why they like living in Melbourne and if they would ever move to Sydney. Basically what are their thoughts about Melbourne and Sydney? Mind you my friends live in Melbourne. So their views may appear a little bit biased here. The findings of my short survey may be one sided and skewed towards Melbourne. Just letting you know in advance. So here are some things that my friends had to say about these two cities.

My friends agree that Melbourne is the fashion capital of Australia. You know, just like New York in the US and Paris in France and Milan in Italy. Well we’re not going to compare Melbourne to those cities but Melbourne is very fashionable and you know what it’s not so expensive. I found Santiago to be more expensive both the Melbourne and Sydney are multicultural there are different ethnic groups living in both cities making it diverse in culture and food but I think food tastes way better in Melbourne :)

The main topic of conversation for many people living in Melbourne, is the weather. If you like
Cooler weather come to Melbourne, if you like warmer weather go to Sydney. Like today for example in Melbourne. We had rain, wind and hail, estuvo granizando, or lluvia con granizo, that’s what Hail is. (We had hail in one day). We had four different seasons in one day in Melbourne. Yep it happens, it can happen any time.

So my advice to you Carlos, bring a jacket if you’re coming to Melbourne. A lot of
Latinos like to live in warmer states in Australia like Western Australia, New South Wales and
Queensland. Another thing my friends agree on this the cost of living is higher in Sydney than
Melbourne. Sydney is more expensive to live in than Melbourne.

By the way Sydney is not the capital city of Australia, by the way, the capital is Canberra. But we’re not going to talk about Canberra because it’s boring. Sydney is also a bigger city so it’s more crowded lots of people around making it difficult even to drive and that’s why the traffic is shocking in Sydney. It’s easier to drive in Melbourne than Sydney. Sydney’s way too busy. Melbourne is the sports capital of Australia. Melbourne hosts different sporting events like; cricket, Formula One, tennis, A.F.L. Now we have soccer, A-league, ice hockey and so on.

But Sydney is famous for its white sand beaches and surf beaches. Bondi Beach is one of the
Famous ones. A lot of tourists visit Bondi Beach and it’s only twenty minutes away from Sydney City. Whereas Melbourne doesn’t have surf beaches. The closest one is almost two hours driving. If you like surfing then Sydney is for you. My friends in Sydney referred to Melbourne as Mel-boring. Boring means “aburrido”. And to them I say whatever, I beg to differ.

Melbourne has a lot of fun festivals there’s always something on in Melbourne. There are a lot of events, a lot of festivals on the Federation Square. That’s the main plaza in the city in Melbourne. It’s called Federation Square and you know, you have a lot of different festivals including the International Jazz Festival for example.

That’s what makes Melbourne great and Melbourne has been voted as one of the most liveable cities in the world, six times you in a row. Melbourne is the world’s most liveable city for a sixth consecutive year. Yes including this year guys and hopefully that answers your question, Carlos until next time guys. It’s been a pleasure. Hasta la proxima……

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