English Expressions – Bring and Take


In this Short and Sweet episode you will learn some common English Expressions using the verbs we learnt in the previous episode, number 50 (bring and take). Try repeating the expressions you hear so you can learn them faster. Enjoy :)


Hey guys, you are listening to episode number 51, Numero cincuenta y uno (51).

Hello, hola everyone,, my name is Milena from www.englishmadesimple.net. How is it hanging? What’s shaking? What have you been up to? Those are just some different ways of saying, How are you? How is it hanging? What’s shaking? Those two are more informal, you should use them with your friends!


In this short and sweet episode e are going to learn some new vocabulary, we are going to bring down the house, we are going to learn some new words so you can start using immediately and impress people.
Primarily we will learn some new English sayings using the verbs bring and take. You know the ones we’ve learnt in the last episode 50. We are now going to put them into practise. We will use them in some examples together with Spanish translations. So you can remember them easily.

Hope you guys had a great week! Let’s cut the small talk and begin this episode.

Let’s start with the word TAKE.

The word Take is one of the most frequently used words in the English language, it’s used a lot… same as the word Get.  Hmm….The word, get, sounds very familiar! And that’s because we learnt about the word Get in episode #16. Go and check it out, if you haven’t listened to that episode before, check it out if you are curious, go back and listen to episode number 16. Awesome!

Ok? Let’s move on.

Now, I think there are about 50 expressions that would use this word take. And guess what, we used one expression last week. In the last short and sweet episode: To take something for
granted. Darlo por hecho, darlo por sentido. We learnt this last week.

Let’s start off with the word, BRING because I only have 2 expression using the word BRING Traer,  because I don’t tend to use expressions with the word bring that often. I use the phrasal verbs a lot. There are many phrasal verbs with the verb BRING and you will also learn them in the next episode on Sunday, These phrasal verbs are quite important, they are used on a regular basis, so it’s very important that you listen to the next episode.

The first phrase I want you to learn:

Bring something out in the open or even to get something out in the open, (TRAER O SALIR A LA LUZ PÚBLICA) – it means to reveal a secret. For example, tell me what’s bothering you? Let’s bring it out in the open and talk about it.

The next expression, using the verb BRING:

To bring down the house (ECHAR LA CASA ABAJO, VENIRSE ABAJO) – I used this expression just in my introduction.. It’s an informal expression. You will hear it in songs too, and movies,  like pop or rock songs or Justin Bieber. It is actually an informal expression.

For example, every time there is an International Comedy festival in Melbourne, I always go and see one particular comedian, he is from Venezuela and he lives in Australia. His name is Ivan Aristeguieta. I hope I said that correctly. This guy knows how to bring down the house. What this means is that he knows how to talk to the audience, he knows how to entertain the audience, he knows how to show them a great time.

So that were 2 expressions using the word Bring. If you need to listen to this episode again, you are more than welcome, you can repeat those expressions.

Now let’s learn some phrases with the word Take.

Take the plunge – I like this one, I use this one a lot – ATREVERSE, PEGARSE O DAR EL SALTO (INFORMAL), DAR EL PRIMER PASO) –

To take the plunge means – to make a start even though you feel nervous about something, you are feeling anxious about something but you decide “No, I’ll just do it!” That’s To take the plunge!

Like for example, my personal example:

I’ve decided to take the plunge and start up my podcast show, The English Made Simple Podcast. Not having any idea, any technical skills, any podcasting skills before, not having any idea where it would take me, but here I am, featured next to Tony Robbins who is a world famous life coach. Hello! How cool is that! You see, I took the plunge, I went outside of my comfort zone and I ended up next to Tony Robbins.

Next expression:

Take it out on someone – ok in Spanish this would be (AGARRARSELAS CON ALGUIEN, DESQUITARSE CON ALGUIEN)
Hopefully I said that correctly, It’s hard to pronounce that word.
To take it out on someone is to give vent to your frustration, by being unpleasant to someone. Rant about something, to talk angrily and passionately about something that bothers you.

Here is an example: If I have a bad day at work, I will take it out on my husband. He just looks at me and stares at me and listens and waits for me to finish, because he is a gentleman…you know. He is not going to scream at me, I am just gonna scream at him.

I’ve got one more expression:

Take one’s breath away (QUITAR O DEJAR SIN ALIENTO)

If something takes your breath away, it is extremely beautiful.
I love using Star Wars as an example.

Chewbacca from Star Wars took my breath away. He is so beautiful.
Not really, we would use it with someone who is really beautiful. Like an actress or a singer, or a supermodel. Or your boyfriend, your girlfriend. Someone who takes your breath away. Because they are so handsome or they are so beautiful.

So here we are my beautiful people, we have reached the end of the show! Hope you had fun and hope you learnt something new today!

Those were the expressions you can start practising today, they are there for the taking. You can take it or leave it. Tómalo o Déjalo. Another saying!

Well, it’s been great hanging out with you guys. See you next time! Hasta la proxima!

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