Prepositions IN and INTO



Just like in the last episode where we covered prepositions On and Onto, in today’s episode I am going to share 6 ways of using preposition IN and 1 way of using preposition INTO. Stick around as we will cover more phrases in the upcoming Short and Sweet episode. Enjoy today’s episode :)


Hola amigos, you are listening to the English Made Simple show this is episode number 98, numero noventa y ocho!

Hello, hello, what’s up amigos? How’s it hanging? Qué onda?

Welcome to the episode #98 of the English Made Simple show!

Say what? Number 98, I can’t believe it!

Episode 98, numero noventa y ocho. This is incredible, just wonderful! Thanks everyone for your support so far, it means a lot to me. It keeps me going. Thanks amigos!

Ok, I know this is episode 98 but the learning hasn’t stopped… sorry! There is a lot more stuff to learn, a lot more stuff to take in.

Stick around amigos, in a couple of weeks we will be learning something different, we will be learning about how to use English in an office type of environment, how to use English for work.

So, in a couple of weeks we will learn how to use English for business.

Which means it’s time to get a bit serious. But that’s next week though.

Now we can continue with today’s show.

Today we are going to learn about the prepositions IN and INTO. So last week we learnt about ON and ONTO. We also learnt that there are 150 prepositions in the English language. Amazing! Crikey!

And if you want to learn about preposition AT, I already did an episode about this … I think it was episode number #90 – 9-0. Check it out. We also covered other prepositions such as Through, Towards and By, and so on, and AT, that’s it! Enjoy.

However, today we will cover only 2 prepositions IN and INTO.

I prepared today’s episode thanks to a couple of listeners who brought this to my attention, they struggle with using prepositions (in English), any preposition…. especially prepositions like On and Onto, In and Into.Those are hard to distinguish.

So, just like the last time, I will give you simple examples which will help you remember these prepositions easily. We are going to be able to differentiate them. And then you can use these examples as a reference point the next time you need to use these prepositions. How about that? I think it’s a great deal!

So let’s get started.

First on the agenda is preposition IN.

There are a number of ways we could use preposition IN.

We use preposition IN when we want to describe that something is inside something.

For example, mi amor, where did you put the keys? Where are the keys? Las llaves! Mi amor, donde estan?

And mi amor replies, the keys are in the bag.

Simple example!

What other times can we use the preposition IN?

We also use the preposition IN to express unspecified time during a day, month or year.

We use IN when we don’t know a specific date, or a specific time.

For example: when was your birthday, sorry I forgot? It was sometime in August, right? Your birthday was in August?

Yes my birthday is in August.

Unlike the preposition ON. Remember from the last episode, I also used an example about birthdays – we use ON to indicate a specific time. For example, we said: Justin Bieber’s birthday is ON 1st of March.
But if we didn’t know the specific date when J Bieber was born, we would say he was born in March. Sometimes in March.

Cool bananas? I hope I am making sense here! Hope you guys are going ‘Wow, I didn’t know that before!”

Now, let’s continue!

We also use the preposition IN when we refer to the stages of the day, such as: in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening. For example, I have breakfast in the morning, I have lunch in the afternoon and I have dinner in the evening.

Another example, I can give you: Do you like exercising in the mornings?
Do you like to exercise in the mornings?

It’s always in the morning or in the afternoon or in the evening. We don’t say on the evening, on the afternoon, we always say in the afternoon, in the evening, in the morning!

Easy peasy japanesy so far? Cool, I hope you are following me amigos!

Another time we can use the preposition IN is to indicate a location or a place.

For example, my husband was born in Santiago. We live in Australia.

You can also use it to indicate a place.

So for example: The keys are somewhere in the house.

Alrighty, sounds easy peasy again, easy peasy so far?

Let’s complicate this a bit. Put your thinking hats on. Let’s make it a bit more challenging.

Listen up, we use the preposition IN to indicate shape, colour or size. Forma color or tamaño.

For example, let’s imagine you go shopping and you want to buy yourself some clothes

You try on a blue jacket, you like how it fits, but you don’t like the colour blue. You don’t like the colour. You ask the salesperson, excuse me ma’am do you have this in black? Do you have this jacket in red? Do you also have it in a different size?

A bigger size for me thanks! Because I eat too much Nutella!

Awesome, doing great, cool stuff.

Now, let me ask you this amigos – it’s time for you to participate!

What do you believe in?

Do you believe in aliens? Extraterrestres.
Do you believe in science?

Do you believe in life after love? Ha! That was the name of the song performed by the artist known as Cher.

Do you believe in life after love? I am going to start singing this song soon.

I believe in life after love. Thanks Cher for asking the question.

So as you can gather from this example, we use the preposition IN to indicate a belief or an interest.

Another example for you guys, let’s use “interest” and “in” as an example together.

I have another question for you: What are you interested in?

I am interested in history. I am interested in politics.

I am interested in learning phrasal verbs. Yes I am! I am interested in learning about English prepositions. I love them, I love English prepositions…not!

What are you interested in?

Are you interested in learning English? Well I hope so! That’s why we are here amigos!
You are in the right place if you want to learn English. This is the right place.

That was awesome amigos that was all about the preposition IN.

We are almost there. Let me quickly tell you about the preposition INTO and then we will wrap it up for today.

As you already know, preposition TO is a preposition of movement.
We combine IN and TO together, it becomes INTO.

According to Weon Inteligente, the preposition INTO – is describing movement or action that results in someone or something becoming enclosed, surrounded by, or being in contact with something else:

I put the wine into the fridge. Well, you could also say, I put the wine in the fridge. I also put it in my belly! Both are fine in this case.

Let’s do another example.

John stepped into his boss’ office. He went inside his boss’ office.
I got into the car and started driving towards the supermarket. I went inside the car.

Cool beans, cool bananas! Clear as mud? Esta claro como el barro?

Great! That’s great!

Before we wrap up today’s show let me send a special greeting to a couple of listeners who have got in touch with me recently. We have Sid from Brazil, Ola Sid como estas? How are you?
Thank you so much for your nice comments.

And Omar from California, thanks for sharing the English Made Simple podcast with your friends and colleagues. Much appreciated. Keep listening amigo!

And another listener from Mongolia … of all places, hello goes to Dulguun from Mongolia, I hope I pronounced your name correctly – Dulguun or Ray, that’s your nickname – Ray is coming to Sydney to study. Good luck for your IELTS exam, Ray!

Awesome, thanks everyone for your nice comments!

In the next short and sweet episode I am going to introduce you to a few English phrases that use the prepositions In and Into. And in the following episode you will learn more about me, who is Milena. I guess you could say that we are going to learn about the preposition About, in that case. Well everything will make sense next week.

Until then, you’ve been rock n rolling with Milena from English Made Simple, until next time, Hasta la proxima!

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