Coronavirus: Staying Sane During Isolation


Hi guys, today’s episode is about how we can keep sane during coronavirus isolation. I wrote a diary about my experience. Listen to it in today’s episode! It goes like this… Dear Diary, today’s Day 1, nothing new happening today. Everything is fine. We’re trying to keep sane and not drive each other crazy. How are you spending your days in isolation? Enjoy today’s episode :)

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Transcript Snapshot (Coronavirus: Staying Sane During Isolation)


Hi guys, you’re listening to the English Made Simple show, this is episode number 2-5-1, two hundred and fifty one, numero dos cientos cincuenta y uno.

Welcome back everyone, it’s Milena from

How is everyone doing during these crazy times?

I still can’t believe it that we’re in the midst of a global pandemic. It’s just hard to fathom.
‘hard to fathom’ – means it’s hard to imagine.

I’m sure like most of you listening in 2020, you’re also keeping to the strict rules imposed by your governments.

In Australia, we have to abide by social distancing, only leave home to go out for essentials like buying groceries at the supermarket or going to the chemist.

So the majority of time we’re indoors. Not allowed to visit family, too.

So having said this, my husband and I have been keeping ourselves indoors.
We haven’t driven ourselves crazy yet, no fights yet.

We both work from home now, it’s a bit crowded at home.
And now we haven’t fought yet, but we’re close. ‘Fought’ is the past tense of ‘fight’. Or ‘pelear’ in Spanish.

It’s only been three weeks in isolation, but it feels like it’s been 3 months, not weeks.

What do you guys do when you’re all day at home? How do you manage to keep peace at home?


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Milena Vujnic

Milena Vujnic

Podcast Host

Milena is the host of the English Made Simple Podcast and is passionate about helping motivated English learners break their fear of speaking English so they can confidently make conversation and be understood by other English-speakers. Milena lives in Australia with her Chileno husband and loves anything podcasting and online coaching and is honoured to be supporting and guiding immigrants from all over the world with her products, programs and coaching services. Click here to learn more about how you can work with Milena.  

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