Workplace English: My Two Passions



Hola amigos, today’s episode is about me talking about my two passions. I also introduce you to my next episode that’s going to take place together with my twin sister Jovana. Jovana is the founder at Bumper Leads and I’m going to bring her to the show to tell us about the typical business phrases she uses in her workplace. Enjoy! :)

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Transcript Snapshot (Workplace English)


Hey guys, you’re listening to the English Made Simple Show. This is episode number 297, number two hundred and ninety-seven, numero dos cientos noventa y siette.

Welcome amigos y amigas. This is your host Milena speaking, you’re tuning in to the English Made Simple show. You can learn more about the EMS show and what it is all about when you visit If you want to listen to the podcast straight from the website simply type in And you will be taken right to the podcast player… And while you’re there, you can find a huge repertoire of the EMS episodes as well as useful resources to help you accelerate your English learning.

Thank you everyone for joining me today.

I don’t know if I’d told you this before but I’ve got two passions.
What I mean to say is that I’ve got two jobs.

I don’t want to say that I’ve got two jobs because it doesn’t feel like a ‘job’ where I have to show up from 9 to 5.. So I’ve decided to call it: ‘two passions’ instead.

My first passion is this podcast, English Made Simple.

And the second one is a company called Bumper Leads. It was founded by my twin sister Jovana.

So as you can imagine, my attention is split between English Made Simple and Bumper Leads.

In the last couple of weeks I have had to dedicate more time to Bumper Leads. That’s why you haven’t heard from me in a while.

I’d like to take this opportunity to tell you a bit about what I do at Bumper Leads.

I’m a Marketing Automation specialist. I help small business owners save time and money when they’re trying to implement sales and marketing for their business.

You can call it Digital Marketing, too.
Maybe you’re familiar with this term: Digital Marketing.

but, ‘digital marketing’ I feel is a more generic term. A lot of things can fall under this category.

For example, advertising, social media, graphic design, search engine optimisation, and so on.

‘Marketing automation’ is a fairly new concept. It’s about five years old.

Right about when my sister started Bumper Leads. I remember at that time no one had heard of Marketing Automation. So she had to train or educate business owners on this quite often.

Now she’s a pro and leader in marketing automation in Australia.

I wasn’t around when she launched Bumper Leads. I was living in Chile at the time with my then-boyfriend who is now my husband.

Thanks to me starting English Made Simple, I got introduced to the world of internet marketing, website design and podcasting.

It’s funny when I look back at my journey now.

I didn’t know a thing about websites and had to learn everything from scratch. Now I can design a site in two hours. Mind you, everyone can design a website quite quickly nowadays. We have so many online tools at our disposal nowadays that can help you with this if you’re contemplating building websites.

Anyway, I digress.

I briefly mentioned the words “marketing automation” but what is Marketing Automation?


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Milena Vujnic

Milena Vujnic

Podcast Host

Milena is the host of the English Made Simple Podcast and is passionate about helping motivated English learners break their fear of speaking English so they can confidently make conversation and be understood by other English-speakers.

Milena lives in Australia with her Chileno husband and loves anything podcasting and online coaching and is honoured to be supporting and guiding immigrants from all over the world with her products, programs and coaching services.

Click here to learn more about how you can work with Milena.


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