Let’s look at the word LOOK again!




Hey guys, you are listening to English Made Simple. This is episode 19. Numero 19

Hola chicos, amigos. Hello everybody. How is everybody doing? My name is Milena!

Thank you for joining me. I am really excited :)

Before I start this show, I want to say a BIG hello to all the countries listening to this show, we not only have Chile, Spain and the US in the top 10 countries listening right now, but we also have Japan, Brazil climbing right up there joining us in the top 10. Konichiwa and Arigato to Japan and Olá, Muito obrigado to Brazil. Hopefully I pronounced all this correctly haha The show is truly becoming global, that’s really exciting and everyone is welcome of course. We are all here to learn.  I’d like to also take this opportunity to say hello to my special listeners in Seville, Spain – Sevilla- two lovely ladies called Alicia and Nuria. They are teachers of Spanish and they have an online school called Spanish by Doing (www.spanishbydoing.com). It’s all about learning Spanish in a fun way. If you are interested in learning Spanish or improving your Spanish, you are more than welcome to contact Alicia and Nuria. I will leave their details in the shownotes and in the transcription on the English Made Simple website so you can reach out to them. You can contact them. That’s just another way to say contact them. Reach out. Two words, another phrasal verb haha. So many phrasal verbs haha oh my goodness!

Alright guys. Welcome again! Let’s continue with this show, let’s get this show going!

As promised, let’s look at some more examples of the word look. Mirar.

Have you listened to the previous episode? If you are new to this episode or if you’ve just tuned in for the first time, Welcome!, but also go back to episode 18 and you will be introduced to the verb Look, See and Watch. And you will find out the difference between these 3 words.

So we are kind of continuing from the previous episode. So let’s look at some more examples of the verb look.

The goal or objective of this show is for you to remember at least one of the following phrases. Ok. At least one! I am going to give you a test at the end of this episode haha (buahaha) Scary, oh my goodness, test, exam, aaaah! Ok No, not really, I am not going to give you a test, but c’mon. But just remember at least one of the following phrases, and then listen to the show again and remember another phrase haha how about that, let’s do that!

So last time we covered Look FOR, Look UP, Look AT.

Look for is used very commonly by native speakers, look for basically means, to search.

I am looking for my keys, I am looking for my car, if you have seen my car…. I don’t know where I parked it, I am looking for it, I am searching for it. Look Up, usually means…again it’s associated with the word Search. Buscar. Look up,  But it is usually associated with something you are looking up in a dictionary, in a phone book, you are looking for information, you are looking up a word in a dictionary.

Look AT.It’s also also used a lot. If you are looking at something. I am looking at my phone. I am looking at my friend. Stop looking at that man who’s wearing funny pants and shoes, ok, stop looking at people Milena! Haha

Ok, so that’s what we covered in the last episode.

So let’s start with some new phrases and examples with the word Look!

First phrase is, look AFTER. To look after, it’s two words. Look and After. After as in luego or después. Look after means to take of something or someone, cuidar. I am going to use “mother” as an example. A mother looks after her children. A mother looks after her kids. I am looking after 2 cats at the moment, dos gatos. Haha I am looking after 2 cats for my sister, she is travelling at the moment. So I am taking care of two cats. My husband looks after me. Basically means, to take care of somebody, to look after someone.

Look AHEAD. Two words, next example! Ahead is one word. That means, ahead is just another word to say Future, futuro. Think about what is going to happen in the future and make plans, if you are making plans for the future, guys, then you are looking ahead, like literally you are looking in front of you, ahead, but far far away ahead. That’s what it means. Looking ahead, just means you are making plans for the future. Ok.

I am looking ahead.

Look BACK! Back as in atras. Back. Think about something that happened in the past. When I look back about hmmm 2 months ago, I never imagined it would become so global! Right. When I look back 2 months ago, I was really nervous, my first episode, I had to do it many many times until I got it right. Haha When I look back 2 months ago, I was nervous when I started this show, but now I feel more comfortable. So, yeah, looking back, I am trying to remember what happened in the past. That’s what looking back means.

The next example, example number four. Look AWAY. Turn your eyes away from someone or something if you were looking at it. For example, I don’t like to watch horror movies, peliculas de terror. I don’t like to watch horror movies, I have to look away from the screen if there is something scary, some monster on the TV. I have to look away because i am a chicken I am really a coward, cobarde. Haha I am a coward. I don’t like horror movies. Ok. So now we said… ok so the first example was to look after, to take care of something, look ahead, look back, look away, right, look away from the screen, if you don’t like horror movies, vampires and all this, argh, don’t like them. I look away from the screen. Ok!

Number 5. Look Through. A travez. Look something quickly, like examine something, to browse, you can look through a magazine or newspaper, basically you are not really reading just looking through it, you are not really spending time and analyzing the articles and information, you are just looking through, really, just browsing! That’s how I read my newspapers actually! Haha I don’t read the newspapers anymore, I just look through it, I skim through it, no need to read, it’s all a Circus in the news! Everything is a circus!haha

Righto. Look FORWARD to, number 6 or 7. I forgot!

The next example is to Look Forward To. ok. That’s 3 words. Look Forward To. Forward as in Adelante. To look forward to, to feel pleased and excited about something that’s going to happen. ok? To look forward to… is very…uh, it can be a formal way to say that you are excited about something, ah Let’s say that your friend is organizing a party, you know a fiest, a party. And you friend invited you. And you reply to your friend, oh thanks Carlos, I look forward to going to your party. Every time we use look forward to + a verb, the verb is always in a GERUND form, in ING form. So, I look forward to seeing you, I look forward to seeing you at the party! Ok.

I look forward to hearing from you, I look forward to speaking with you soon. So we always Look Forward To + a VERB with ING, you know the ING at the end ,iiiing! Hehe

Oh, another one, another example! Look UP TO someone. To look up to someone. Three words.

Look up to. Usually it’s look up to someone or somebody. Somebody you respect or admire. Who do you admire? who is your idol? who do you look up to? I look up to my Dad he is my idol, I admire my Dad for example, mi padre.

Alright guys. I don’t know what number we are up to. I think this is number eight.

Let me check….one two three four five six… Ok. Number 8 phrase. Phrasal verb, Look LIKE.

Two words. Look Like.

Look like means to resemble, to look similar to something. I look like my sister. I have a twin (gemella in Spanish) sister, I look like my sister, because we look the same, we look similar. Look like could be used as a comparison, so if you compare somebody, let’s say you have a friend, Oh your friend looks like Angelina Jolie haha Or your friend looks like Brad Pitt. Your friend looks like Justin Bieber, ok everybody knows Justin Bieber hah Anyway, uhm…haha  the verb Look. Verb LOOK on its own, basically means, appear, or look great. You can tell your friend, Hey that scarf looks really great on you, uhm, your shoes you are wearing, they look really great! I think in Spanish you use the verb ver in this case.

So, I don’t know. Did that help? We had many, many phrases here. We had a lot of phrases. So the first one was Look After, to take care, Look Ahead, Look Back, Look Away,Look Through, Look Forward To, Look Up To Someone. Look Like. And, Look as a verb just means, you know, something to do with your appearance, how you look.

So, I hope this was really helpful, and I will also put more examples of the word Look and different phrases in the Facebook group, English Made Simple. I’ll also include some translations as well to help you. And if there’s something you didn’t understand and you have to listen to it again, that’s fine. I am not going to score you, there is no test, ok.there is no test, so relax, RELAX, you can listen to it as many times as you want! Speaking of exams, I had a request to talk about IELTS a little bit more, specifically the speaking part of the exam, and I think this will benefit everyone, even the ones who are not doing IELTS, who are not doing the English Exam, you will still learn something, so I will plan an episode about IELTS the speaking part specifically and if we have time, also talk about the writing part of the exam. Alrighty guys, I hope you enjoyed this episode, please remember to SHARE (compartir) with your friends it will help me a lot! Guys, it’s been a pleasure, until next time! Adios! Hasta la proxima.

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