Irregular Verbs



Don’t you love irregular verbs? I do! No, not really.
I give you a tip on how you can learn irregular verbs quickly…by singing! Check out the youtube link on my Facebook Page: English Made Simple Podcast. Enjoy :)


Links mentioned in today’s episode:

Check it out here, YouTube Video to help you learn Irregular Verbs faster: Listen and Sing along here!



Hey guys, you are listening to English Made Simple, Number 48. Numero cuarenta y ocho.
Hey guys, my name is Milena from, como estan? How are you? Welcome to another episode of English Made Simple. Hope you enjoyed the last week’s  episode #46, where we learnt to pronounce regular verbs. Remember, I gave you a test at the end of the episode where it was your turn to pronounce some regular verbs. So what I would like to do is you give answers at the very end of this episode. So keep listening till the end and see how many of those regular verbs you got right.

But in this episode we are going to talk about irregular verbs. BTW, the opposite of the word regular is irregular, not unregular!
Don’t you love Irregular Verbs? I love them. Haha no, I don’t. I really don’t. I hate them. But you know what, I use them so often, I use them every day that I even forget how much I hate them haha
But before we go into it, I’d like to send a special greeting to a few listeners from Spain. Yup, España! Hello to Irene from Gijón in Spain and a hello to her friend Noelia from a town called Laviana, the two friends from Spain are raving fans of English Made Simple show, thank you girls for listening!
Also, a special hello to Juan Andrés also from Spain as well, from the beautiful city of Madrid. Thanks for your kind words, and thank you for tuning in to my show.

Awesome! It’s great to hear people from Spain tuning in. You know, I am currently watching some Spanish telenoveles, like Grand Hotel and another one called Velvet, it’s showing on Netflix so you know, why not? This is how I get my daily dose of Spanish. Well, it’s better than watching the debate between Trump and Hillary. That’s a fiasco! That’s another circus! Let’s not talk about that.

Righto. Let’s continue, back to the irregular verbs.

In this episode we are going to learn some common irregular verbs, there are three that we use every day, there are 3 irregular verbs that you guys already know! We use them so often that we take them for granted. These verbs are: to be, to do and to have! Right? Easy peasy lemon squeezey.
In this episode, I will share the most popular ones here and give you some examples. I will also share a tip on how you can learn these verbs faster. And it involves singing.We’ll see!

Also, don’t forget that at the end of this show, I will share the answers to the test from the last episode, I gave you a list of about 15 verbs to practise so at the end of this episode I would like to share the answers with you. So keep listening till the end! Let’s continue!

I remember when I used to learn Irregular verbs, it was all about memorising them. I had a list of about 50 irregular verbs, I remember, and it was so overwhelming to see them all and then to think to myself, wow this is not a complete list there are more irregular verbs out there. There is more, there is more than 50.

So, I found this great Youtube video where this German guy raps and sings along to about 80 irregular verbs, he is singing along to music and you can sing along together with him. I quite like his style, it’s cool, it definitely helps you memorise some verbs. He’s also got translation in German too, if you are curious to learn German language BTW, people from the country Germany are called Germans not Germs. Haha germs, are actually microorganisms that can develop into a bacteria! Haha People from Germany or Alemania in Spanish, they are called Germans. ok? So this guys who created the video is a German guy and he has translations in German, just ignore that if you are not interested, but focus on the verbs.

If you are in my Facebook group as well as Facebook page, English Made Simple Podcast page, I will share this video with you, and I hope it will help you.

And now, here is a list of verbs you must know in order to have a flowing conversation. I use these verbs in my episodes all the time. So you should already be familiar with them. Cool!
The words like:
Come, Came, Come
Go, Went, Gone.
Give, Gave, Given.
Get, Got, Got or Gotten. You can use either, Got or Gotten as a participle!
Another one:
Forget, Forgot, Forgotten – I use this a lot because I forget things, ok. oh no I forgot my keys, aaah! Ok?

Find, Found, Found.
Think, Thought, Thought

What’s another one I use..

Understand, Understood, And Understood.

And then we have one that we used earlier, in some earlier episodes:

See, Saw, Seen

And another one:

Wake, Woke, Woken

Are you following me so far guys? Fantastic!

Now that’s a short list of irregular verbs!

Now so these irregular verbs that we just mentioned we can use them to form phrasal verbs. Yeeey! One more thing to remember is Phrasal verbs, I love them! Now that we know the most common irregular verbs, we can now form the most common phrasal verbs, it will make us sound super, duper fluent.

Here are phrasal verbs and some of these we covered in earlier episodes, I think it was episode 6 or 7 where I introduced you to Phrasal verbs. That was long time ago now!
But anyway, here they are:

Give Up, Gave up, given up > the phrasal verb, two words, means to quit, which is another irregular verb, to quit something, to stop something, don’t give up! No Te rindas! Past tense is gave up and given up.

And then we have:
Get Up, Got Up, gotten Up. In Spanish levantarse. In English it’s a phrasal verb, levantarse.
Wake up, woke up, waken up > to wake up, phrasal verb, to wake up early in the morning, open your eyes, in Spanish despertarse.
Find out, Found out, Found out > as a phrasal verb means to discover
Come out, Came out, Come out > to appear, to be seen. To show up? Oops, that’s another phrasal verb, to show up, means to appear!

Now over to you, did you know that the verb to teach is irregular? What is the past tense of the verb teach? Do you know what it is? It’s a tricky one because we don’t really use it a lot right. We use the words like to teach and the words like teacher, you know, but we don’t tend to use it in the past tense often. I will let you think about that one for a second, and I will reveal my answer really soon. Think about it what could be the past tense of the verb to teach. I will give you enough time to google it, if you have to!

In the meantime, I will share the answers from the episode #46, how do we pronounce regular verbs.
Here is what we had in the last episode:

To want- wanted, to use – used, to work – worked, to call -called, to try – tried, to need – needed, to move -moved, to happen -happened, to include -included, to change -changed, to watch -watched, and two more. To follow -followed, to stop -stopped. Excellent. I hope you got that right. If you are not sure, try to repeat them again.

And finally, the past tense of the word to teach is: taught. And today I have taught you about irregular verbs, and I hope you have learnt something new today. Ha! Now you know, to teach and to learn are both irregular. Learnt is irregular in British English, it is is more common in British English, and in American English they tend to use it as a regular verb, learned.

This brings us to the end of the show!

Remember guys, I will share the Youtube video on my Facebook group and my Facebook page so if you are not part of this group yet, please join and check out the video. It will help you learn irregular verbs faster. Thank you guys for joining me, it’s been a pleasure as always!

All transcriptions are available on my website English Made Simple. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to send me a message.

If you have enjoyed this episode of English Made Simple Podcast, please share it with your friends who may also find it helpful as well! And secondly: If you haven’t already subscribed make sure you do, subscribe to this show on iTunes, it will really help me spread the message.
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Hope you enjoyed this episode guys! Catch ya later alligator! Hasta la proxima!

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