About My Trip To Adelaide Australia
Today, I share my experience of traveling from Melbourne to Adelaide. The trip was long but the episode is short. Tune in to find out why. Enjoy :)
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Hey amigos y amigas, you are listening to the English Made Simple podcast, this is episode number 1-3-6, number one hundred and thirty six, numero ciento treinta y seis.
Wooohoooo, guess who’s back? I’m back. It’s me! It’s moi!
Let me introduce myself in case you’ve forgotten who I am – my name is Milena from English Made Simple, www.englishmadesimple.net.
Did you miss me? Anybody missed me? I was away for about 10 days, I don’t know if you have noticed (haha) but I’m here now. I’m back…actually I don’t know where I am at the moment. I am still looking for a home here in Adelaide.
Anyway, a big welcome to the new listeners of the show and a huge welcome to my regular listeners. You guys are awesome, thank you for being patient, I know you’ve been eagerly waiting for the next episode of the English Made Simple show, and here it is.
So if you’ve heard a couple of episodes ago guys, I mentioned I was moving from Melbourne to Adelaide.
Last week on Monday to be precise, I was moving from one city to another in Australia. The distance between these two cities is almost 800km. So I wasn’t flying, I wasn’t travelling by plane, it would’ve been quicker if I was flying across to Adelaide, but I’ve decided to drive instead. Because I am crazy! The drive took 8 hours.
I was driving to Adelaide in my little hatchback – Ford Fiesta, my little car – it was overloaded with …you know very important stuff like my clothes and some personal items like 50 pairs of shoes, I can’t take that on the plane, that’s not possible, that’s crazy. Had to drive instead.
So today, amigos y amigas I would like to share my experience about the trip in today’s episode.
So let’s begin.
If you can imagine, 800km is like driving from Santiago to Temuco – if you are from Chile you will know what I mean.
That’s a really long drive was pretty boring. Aburrido, boring! The majority of Australia is rural, basically, you can drive for 2 hours on a straight road with nothing around you but livestock.
Livestock that’s a good word to know… Livestock is the word we use to describe animals that live on the farm. In Spanish this is ganado.
You know those animals like sheep – ovejas, and cows vacas in Spanish – we didn’t see any kanagaroos or koalas while we were driving, which is a shame. Just the usual sheep and cows.
Although we did stop at a place that was so magical, it looked surreal, out of this world – ‘surreal’ is a word that means unreal, out of this world – it’s called Pink Lakes, lagos rosados. I posted a photo of it on Instagram and Facebook page, so you can check it out, have a look at it there.
It was just beautiful. It was surrounded by farmlands, which means that the lake was surrounded by sheep, you guessed it, there were more sheep surrounding the lake.
Have you ever heard of pink lakes?
How can the lake be pink?
I had to ask my friend Google, I have no clue, no idea. Apparently, there aren’t many of these pink lakes in the world, Australia has the most number of pink lakes – I think there is one in Bolivia, and one in Spain, one in Turkey but yeah there is more than one of these pink lakes around the world.
They get the pink colour from algea – spellled as A LG E A (pronounced as al-gi or al-dzi). In Spanish this is algas.
What are those things?
I am not a biology teacher, again I don’t know. So I had to find that out by asking Weon Inteligente – he is back – he was travelling with me too – well, according to Weon Inteligente or the Online dictionary, algae are small plants living near the water or in the water. They are usually green in colour.
But the pink-coloured lakes are not green, they are pink! They get the pink colour, from some bacteria – I cannot pronounce the name of this bacteria, and they also get the colour from special algae – again I cannot pronounce the name of this algae, it’s too hard, so I give up.
I know this doesn’t help you haha but what will help is me sharing an article about these pink lakes and you can find out more about them.
I will share the article about this inside the Facebook group, I think it’s quite fascinating to see. And especially because you are not here to see it in person, I will share some information about the Pink Lakes from that article.
And also something else you should know it that it’s not advisable to swim in these lakes.
So basically, that was really the highlight of my trip.
Honestly there was nothing much to see. We had a stop-over in a small city called Horsham in Victoria, in the state of Victoria – that has a population of about 20,000 people. It’s a nice little town. From then on, we drove for 4 hours to Adelaide non-stop.
What’s a stop-over? Do you know what a stopover is? A stopover is a place where you stop and stay the night. Sleep and rest. In Spanish this would be similar to una parada.
So basically guys, I just wanted to let you know that I am back. Back in full swing. Back in business.
Next week we are going to talk about the move. How to look for a place to rent, dealing with real estate agents and removalists. It will help you expand your vocabulary. So stick around for that. It’s a common thing, people move all the time right? (I think so Or no)
Well, thanks everyone for your patience, I hope you’ve been doing well without me. You’ve been having fun without me!
Before I finish, I’d like to send a special hello to Raúl Pilas from Mexico, from Piedras Negras. Andale, Andale Óralebuey!
And also a hello to Melchor, I am not sure where he is from, but Melchor enjoys the podcast and he is learning a lot as well. Hola to you Melchor!
You’ve been jamming with Milena from English Made Simple, you’ve been an amazing audience as usual, until next time, hasta la proxima!