by Milena | Jun 19, 2019 | Podcast
In today’s show I’ll touch on the point I made in the last episode about anxiety and then talk about my soon-to-be experience presenting in front of a small audience. I’ll share a good introduction phrase you could use when you’re presenting, too! We’ll also have a Repeat After Me segment at the end of the show. Enjoy ;)
by Milena | Jun 6, 2019 | Podcast
Today, you’ll learn 3 real-life English phrases that you’ll hear at any checkout whenever you go shopping. Tune in! Enjoy today’s show! :)
by Milena | May 30, 2019 | Podcast
Today, we learn, not one, but six super simple English greetings that you can use with your friends, your colleagues and your imaginary friends! I also make a special announcement in the show. Stay tuned and Enjoy :)
by Milena | May 12, 2019 | Podcast
I’ve got a few things to share with you in today’s episode. I share my simplest convo starter (an epic fail experience as I mumble in Spanish! Still funny though) plus I invite you to join my Free 3-Day Mini Email Course that’s so simple even my grandma can do it. The course will help you plan and prepare for speaking in English! Enjoy :)
by Milena | May 2, 2019 | Podcast
This week I had to visit my dentist as I had a cracked tooth. I was chewing on nuts when the tooth cracked! Tune in to today’s episode where we learn new vocab, new phrases, new words (the actual names of the teeth that I also didn’t know!) and learn new conversation starters. For some reason, my dentist loves to engage in chitchat! Enjoy today’s show :)