The Mysterious Word – GET
Hello everybody, you are listening to English Made Simple, Numero 16
Can’t believe it! Can’t believe it this is episode 16. Welcome! My name is Milena, thank you for joining me. Hey, I had too many glasses of wine, a bit crazy tonight, a bit crazy.
Thank you for joining me and welcome to our new Internet we have some new countries tuning into this episode we have some new countries from Europe Poland Bulgaria Switzerland and Sweden and Norway and we have new countries from Southeast Asia, Philippines welcome guys and thank you for joining me I hope you enjoyed my life episode about collocations I hope you got at least one collocation that you can remember from the last episode, OK.
If you haven’t listened to it yet please go back and listen to it now ok so let’s get this show started guys This Show episode is going to be about the verb to get why are we talking about the verb to get get is a very interesting very mysterious word, can be used in a lot of different ways there’s just so many different meaning if you go online and check weon inteligente haha or I call weon intelligente Cambridge Dictionary online or just Google the word Get, and you will get a lot of results! OK you will get a lot of results if you just want to find out the meaning of the verb to get! All right, first of all to get means, to receive or to have or to obtain ok that’s the most common use of the verb to get …..the past tense of the verb to get is got and the participle is also got! Some people say gotten that you can use got or gotten it’s fine. So, get got gotten or got got got the word get, can be used in a lot of different ways!! Before I start I really want to say I really want to teach you conversational English I really want to teach you how to speak English how to be comfortable speaking English with natives. Native speakers use phrasal verbs, they use collocations, idioms, expressions. This is what you need to learn if you want to speak English. I don’t know if they teach you this in schools hehe, But it’s a very good thing to know and it’s very good to know for your English exams like IELTS or TOEFL… so let’s get this show started the verb to get is also irregular verb right so I already said the past tense is got, It’s Irregular verb. there so many different irregular verbs in the English language. The best way to learn irregular verbs is…. To remember them! Memorise them. That’s the only way! Haha Memorise the irregular verbs…that’s really the only way…. Really that sucks! You know. (slang/modismo means too bad!)
You know, sucks is slang. It sucks, but you gotta do it. Ha! You have to do it. You just gotta do it.
See, I just used the verb to GET. I used the verb to GET a few times in my introduction now.
So the most common meaning of the word to GET is to have (tener), to receive to obtain alright I’ve said this already so here is my example can I get a cup of coffee please when you go to a restaurant I’ll just get a cup of coffee I just get a glass of water I just have a glass of water I’ll just get a glass of red wine …get and have I have to go thing ok I got to go I gotta go or you can say, I gotta go. if you’re feeling lazy… flojos. Then you can say, I gotta go. Just say it quickly. I gotta go. That is going to make you sound fluent. That’s how native speakers speak. oH man, I gotta go. I have to go. Tengo que ir.
The most common ways to use the verb To get is TO UNDERSTAND.
Do you get what I’m saying do you understand what I am saying now do you get what I’m saying do you get what I’m saying do you get what I mean do you understand what I mean so you can use the verb to get and to understand interchangeably….. Another meaning for the verb to get, to go, or to come, or to arrive. Ok.
Last night I got home at 8 o’clock. Means I arrived home at 8 o’clock.
You can use GET instead of ARRIVE. It’s used in a lot of different ways.
Let’s start with Phrasal verbs now.
Phrasal verbs to get there is just so many so many phrasal verb right there so many phrasal verb to get around for example if you’re traveling to a foreign country overseas internationally and let’s say you go to Hong Kong it’s a busy, busy city it’s crazy busy it’s full of people it’s really hard to get around really hard to find your way .
Let’s get to work people!
Ok Let’s get to work. Get to work. Let’s start work, let’s start doing something, let’s get to work.
Uhm, did you get to listen to the last episode of English Made Simple? Did you get to listen to the last episode. Means did you have time to listen to it. Did you get to do it, did you get to listen to it
And we can also use it when we meet with friends. Sometimes I get together with my friends for lunch. Get together in this case means, reunirse. So we meet together for lunch. We get together. That’s what it means.
Do you remember one of my first few episodes? Introduction to Phrasal verbs. And I said Get up.
Despertar, despertarse.
I get up every morning around 8 o’clock. I get up every morning. Get Up, phrasal verb. very common to use.
Get ready.
So, I get up every morning around 8am and I get ready for work. So I need to get up early to get ready for work. Get ready to prepare myself for work. Get ready.
So if you enjoyed this episode, please share it with your friends!
Ok, before we finish this episode. Some popular idioms of using the verb to get. Or the word get is Get Out of here. Largate! Largate de aqui!
Get out of there.
If you want to learn English, you need to get out there and talk to native speakers you need to practise your English. Need to get out there, somewhere go outside and talk to people. Get out there.
Alright, these are the most common ways to use the verb to Get. There is heaps of them. There is a lot of different ways you can use the verb to get. But i hope you this episode, you learnt at least one! I am going to share more ways to use the verb to Get in my Facebook group, so if you haven’t joined yet. Please do so. Go to English Made Simple, just search for this in Facebook. Hey Thank you for joining me, until next time guys! Bye, Ciao guys!