An Inspirational Story of One Immigrant Living Overseas – Interview with Nathi Eustaquio
Hey guys, tune in to today’s special episode where I interview amazing Nathi Eustaquio! This episode is for you if you are someone who is travelling, if you are someone who plans to move to an English-speaking country, if you are someone who already lives in an English-speaking country then please don’t miss today’s episode. It’s full of valuable tips, and don’t forget to share the episode. Enjoy :)
Related Episodes & Links mentioned
[161] What Are Limiting Beliefs? (Plus New Phrases)
[144] My Move To New Zealand – My First Experience with Immigration
Nathi Eustaquio website
Nathi’s Facebook Group – Empowering Immigrant Women
Lean In – Networking group
Toastmasters – break your fear of speaking
Au Pair program – There are many agencies that can help with Au Pair services. Google to find one close to you. (this is one of the Au pair agencies that brings Au Pairs to the US)
Hey garotos y garotas, muchachos y muchachas – You are listening to a very special episode of the English Made Simple show, this is episode number 1-6-2, number one hundred and sixty two, numero ciento sesenta y dos.
And welcome to today’s show amigos y amigas, my name is Milena from
How are ya? You know this one, that’s an OZ greeting, that’s how Australians say: How are you?
Let me give you a quick introduction to today’s episode. Today we chat with one and only Nathali Eustaquio from Brazil.
Let me see if I can find some Brazilian music….let me cue that in.
If you are new to the show, please go back to the last episode, episode number 161 to learn more about Nathi and the topics we cover in today’s episode.
This is for you: If you are someone who is travelling, if you are someone who plans to move to an English-speaking country, if you are someone who already lives in an English-speaking country then please don’t miss today’s episode.
I decided to bring Nathi to the show, because she is someone who has already been through the experience of moving overseas, getting a visa and dealing with migration in general, she also had to learn English so she shares some tips with us, she had to look for a job overseas as qualified psychologist from Brazil and how she managed to find a job and then decided to start her own business while living in the US. Nathi also had to go through the daily struggles as an immigrant living overseas but she is very happy to share with us how to overcome these struggles and how to deal with our limiting beliefs.
So before further ado, please sit back, take a glass of wine, have a cup of tea, have two cups of coffee because this episode is full of useful tips that you don’t want to miss.
Just letting you know, there won’t be a transcription to this episode, but there will be a summary of what the interview to help you follow it.
After some laughs and giggles, I start off the chat with Nathi by asking her one simple question in my wannabe-Australian-accent…
Summary of the Interview – Nathi Eustaqio
We start off with introductions then proceed:
4:00 – 9:00 – Nathi introduces herself and talks about how she decided to move to the US. She mentions the Au Pair program in Brazil and how she heard about the program.
3:50 – 9:00 – Nathi talks about her first experience being interviewed in English. She was feeling really angry and frustrated because she felt she could’ve done better at the Interview. But made a life decision to start seriously learning English to help her with her dream of travelling. She arrived in the US in March 2013
9:30 – 12:10 Nathi explains what Au Pair program is. For the Au pair program you have to have conversational, intermediate English. Nathi started learning English by watching Disney movies, listening to U2, Madonna and Beatles. She also had help from her friend who was helping her with her English, they were practising together. She also took an English class to help her prepare for the Au Pair Interview.
12:10 – 13:50 Milena asks if learning English by yourself was enough to prepare you for the life in the States like speaking with native speakers and understanding their pronunciation. Nathi talks about her experience of learning English in Brazil where teachers speak slowly to help you learn. But in real life in the US, it is not the same. People speak really fast, she was trying to translate each time she was speaking with native speakers. Nathi talks about her experience of Au Pair program that helped her understand the culture, learning about the educational system in the US. She also mentions that she was shy while she was in the class, and she is normally not a shy person.
14:00 – 15:00 Milena and Nathi talk about speaking English over the phone and how difficult this is for an English learner. It can be really exhausting. Nathi opens up and shares the fact that if she had met someone in Brazil to warn her of what to expect once she lands in the US, it would’ve helped her settle in quicker.
14:50 – 16:00 Milena talks about her experience when she first arrived in NZ and how she felt the same way Nathi did when she arrived in the US. The feeling of overwhelm and frustration… that’s what we feel when we arrive in a foreign country! Milena and Nathi agree that it does help listening to other people’s experiences and reading their stories would help someone prepare better before they migrate.
16:00 – 17:00 Milena asks the question about Pronunciation. How did Nathi react when she’d heard native speakers speak? What was her experience with understanding pronunciation of certain words by native speakers?
17:00 – 18:30 Nathi said she was shocked by the ‘pace’ of words not so much the accent. (Pace means ‘speed’ – native speakers tend to speak faster and will mispronounce certain words. This happens in any language not just English. It is just another obstacle for an English learner). Nathi says she was making some mistakes as she was comparing Portuguese words to English, for example, the word ‘special’ in Portuguese – this word starts with ‘e’ not ‘s’.
18:30 – 21:50 Milena asks Nathi about her Limiting beliefs as someone living in the US. Nathi answers one of the biggest limiting beliefs was her worry that she would never speak English fluently. She gives example of participating in a group conversation, she felt overwhelmed when she first arrived. Only with time, the limiting beliefs started to go away. It took her a lot of time to realise that she can work as a psychologist, a therapist or a coach in English. Nathi also says that in the beginning she would judge herself a lot, and of her ability to speak English and pronounce words correctly (even use the verbs correctly). She talks about limiting beliefs and how it affects us, how they make us feel stupid or being judged. Nathi also compares how we learn things from an early age, but as immigrants in the new country we have to learn the same things as adults.
21:50 – 22:55 Nathi encourages everyone to believe in themselves and tells us that we can overcome limiting beliefs. Milena summarises Nathi’s point of familiarity in our countries and then having to learn things from scratch while trying to settle in, to get around in the new city, meet new people… you almost feel pressure and overwhelm trying to do all this at the same time while learning English. Milena shares her experience of moving to NZ and how it was exhausting trying to speak in English all day. You come home and you feel physically exhausted. Milena jokes and says to helps us we should take mini breaks when we talk with people overseas.
22:56 – 26:11 Milena asked Nathi how she overcame her limiting belief of being an immigrant in the new country. Nathi said that facing the fear is the best way to overcome it. Trying to adapt to the rituals of your new country, for example the dinner time in the US compared to Brazil. People have dinner late in Brazil, around 8pm whereas in the US it is much earlier. Milena is surprised because it is the same in Australia, people have dinner earlier, between 6-7pm for example. Nathi goes on to explain how simple things force us to adjust, they make us believe that we are different, we start thinking how everything is different and we start telling ourselves ‘I don’t know’ which in turn builds more fear. Nathi shares that humour helped her overcome the fear of speaking in English and helped her settle in and make friends faster. Nathi mentions how for a long time she was afraid of making phone calls in English. You just have to do it, face the fear and take action. Both Nathi and Milena agree.
26:12 – 27:55 Milena says that the limiting beliefs don’t only apply to English learners but in everything we do. Milena explains that the limiting beliefs are little voices in our heads telling us that we are not good enough. These voices don’t disappear. Milena shares her experience of podcasting and how she had limiting beliefs when she started podcasting. Nathi agrees that limiting beliefs don’t go away they transform into other things for example, she is not scared of making phone calls anymore but interviews may be scary. People have to know that these limiting beliefs exist and if people don’t accept them then they are being too naïve.
28:00 – 30:12 Milena asks why the US. Why make the move from Brazil to the US? Nathi says the Au Pair program was better in the US compared to Europe. It was easier and practical to come to the US. Nathi wanted to experience a different culture and to learn English. She even considered Dublin in Ireland, they have Au Pair programs in Dublin too. Nathi talks about how she created an online profile for the Au Pair and had an interview with the family before coming. She describes the process of going through the selection process. Nathi says the Au Pair agency she went through advised her that she should speak with the family because it was important to like the family as she would be staying there and living with them. It was important for them to get along.
30:25 – 32:20 Nathi says she first landed in Seattle, her first Au Pair experience. Milena and Nathi mention the movies Sleepless in Seattle with Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan, You’ve Got Mail and Greys Anatomy. Milena asks about the weather in Seattle and the landscape. Nathi says she doesn’t live in Seattle anymore, she is now in Hawaii (but she doesn’t live on the beach.)
32:25 – 35:30 After chatting about the weather in Seattle and Hawaii Nathi and Milena get back on track. Milena asks another question, what advice Nathi would give to someone who is intending to move to the US or any other English speaking country. Nathi stresses that it is important to be prepared before you make the move, learn English from all the sources such as the English Made Simple Podcast (yeey!). Also, be open to the new experiences and get ready for the challenge. Nathi advises to just make the move and people will be surprised about how much they’ll learn, how much they will grow as a person.
35:40 – 38:20 Milena asks one question she forgot to ask before. It was to do with Nathi’s CV. Did she have to have one ready before coming to the US. Nathi says that she didn’t know how to apply for jobs in the US and how it is different to Brazil. She shares her experience of applying for jobs in the US and going through the interview process. She mentions that networking in the US is really important, more than in Brazil. Networking is more important when looking for a job in the US, it’s more about creating relationships than just sending CVs. It took Nathi a couple of months to learn the process and start applying for jobs. Milena shares a quote from another podcast she was listening to “Desperation is the best motivation.”
38:16 – 42:44 Milena asks if someone should be thinking about applying for work while living in the US or before they come to the US. Nathi gives advice where people can go to apply for jobs in the US. There are many agencies that can prepare you for job hunting in the US. You can go online and search for some when you come to the US. Nathi shares a name of an organisation in Seattle, called Casa Latina that helps migrants to enter the workforce, there is another group called Lean In. Lean In is an organisation especially for women that empower women enter the workplace, helps them prepare for negotiation. There is also another organisation called Toastmasters (it’s a global organisation). LinkedIn is big in the US. Create a good LinkedIn profile if you are in the US and Australia.
43:00 – 44:00 We talk about different visas for Canada, and working holiday visas for Australia and New Zealand. This is one way to move to another English speaking country before you decide to emigrate permanently.
44:00 – 49:20 Milena asks Nathi what is her area of expertise, what does she do in Hawaii now. Nathi is a transition coach, she worked as a psychologist in Brazil and she worked as a therapist in Seattle. She now really wants to help immigrant women adapt in the US. At first she didn’t know who she was in the US, who is this Nathi, the US resident? Nathi talks about how she started her business and who she helps. Nathi helps immigrant women find their passion once they move to the US. She helps them get out of depression and anxiety. Most of her clients are English learners.
49:21 – 50:40 Milena asks the question: How can people contact you? How can people work with you? Does she help women who are moving to the US only? Nathi shares her details – website and Facebook group. Nathi explains how she works as a Transition coach.
50:45 – 56:14 Milena asks the question: How long is the transition process when people work with Nathi? Nathi explains her programs to help people have clarity and direction. Nathi talks about her 3 month plan. (52:24) Milena asks another question how long it would take someone to adapt in the new country without taking her program. Nathi explains the importance of having the support system to help you with the move. Nathi mentions that she didn’t know that she was able to work as a therapist in the new country. She mentions she didn’t want to work in a grocery store since she is a qualified psychologist. (Grocery store is like a supermarket). She was underestimating herself. She didn’t have anyone to tell her: You can do this, you can work as a therapist.
56:10 – 56:02 After Nathi gives us the parting piece of guidance. The chat concludes.
Wow, how amazing was that? Did you enjoy that chat with Nathi? Please if you found today’s episode useful please share it with your friends. If you have friends who are moving overseas or thinking of moving overseas they will particular enjoy today’s episode.
If you want to contact Nathi you will find her contact details on (website) and simply check out episode 162. Her contact details will be in there.
And also if you’ve enjoyed today’s chat with Nathi, be sure to let me know, either send me an email or leave a positive review in iTunes, or post a comment on my website or YouTube or Instagram or Twitter … I can prepare more shows like this one.
Thanks for tuning in today. You’ve been jamming with Milena and Nathi – have an awesome week ahead until next time, hasta la proxima!

Milena Vujnic
Podcast Host at English Made Simple Podcast
Milena is the host of the English Made Simple Podcast and is passionate about helping English learners break their fear of speaking English so they can confidently make conversation and be understood by other English-speakers.
Milena lives in Australia with her Chileno husband and loves anything podcasting and online coaching and is honoured to be supporting and guiding immigrants from all over the world with her products, programs and coaching services.
Click here to learn more about how you can work with Milena.