Feeling Anxious or Embarrassed When Speaking in English?
If you could describe it in one word, how would you describe your overall feeling when speaking in English? Anxious, Embarrassed, Shy, Scared or Confident…? In today’s episode, I explain the difference between feeling Anxious and Embarrassed when making conversation in another language. Enjoy today’s show :)
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Transcript Snapshot (Feeling Anxious When Speaking English)
Hey guys, are you interested in knowing how I run my podcast and what tools I use to run English Made Simple? Simply go to www.englishmadesimple.net/tools to see what microphone and camera I like to use here at English Made Simple.
And you are listening to English Made Simple, this is episode number 2-3-4, number two-hundred and thirty-four, numero doscientos treinta y cuatro.
<insert jingle>
Welcome back everybody, welcome back to the show. This is the place where I help you become fluent in English, one short conversation at a time.
Guys, this is episode number 234. And my name is Milena and I am the host of the English Made Simple show, you can find me at www.englishmadesimple.net, englishmadesimple (punto) net.
Today we won’t have the Repeat After Me segment.
For today’s episode I’d like to ask you a simple question.
Just a simple question.
Do you feel anxious or embarrassed when speaking in English?
Is there a difference between these two?
Yes, I think there is.
What do you think?
As I’ve discovered quite recently, there is a difference in feeling anxious as opposed to feeling embarrassed.
Let me begin with a short story.
I don’t know if you know this, but it’s been 3 years since I last spoke in Spanish consistently.
I’m married to a chileno – my husband is from South America, more specifically from Chile. It’s hard for me to understand Chilean sometimes, so we don’t practice Spanish at home. I know the official language of Chile is Spanish but I don’t call it that. I call it Chilean.
Chileans have their own dialect and their own slang compared to the rest of South America.
I remember my very first time trying to speak in Spanish in Chile.
I was petrified. You could say I was frozen.
I couldn’t order a cup of coffee. I had to rely on my husband to order food for me.
Whenever the time came for me to place my order, I’d feel a little bit anxious.
How did I know those were the feelings of anxiousness?
Well, my heart started to beat faster, I had shortness of breath. I was making short and fast breaths.
Tightness in my throat and chest and in muscles overall.
I had butterflies in my stomach as they say. It’s an expression.
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Milena Vujnic
Podcast Host
Milena is the host of the English Made Simple Podcast and is passionate about helping motivated English learners break their fear of speaking English so they can confidently make conversation and be understood by other English-speakers.
Milena lives in Australia with her Chileno husband and loves anything podcasting and online coaching and is honoured to be supporting and guiding immigrants from all over the world with her products, programs and coaching services.
Click here to learn more about how you can work with Milena.